mamamundo provides access to antenatal classes for women who do not speak one of the Swiss languages. These classes have been available and popular in Switzerland for decades, but are only available in the national languages. Mamamundo wants to change this. Our focus is on improving the health literacy of pregnant women with migrant backgrounds and promoting relaxation through physical exercise.
We follow a salutogenetic approach, based on A. Antonovsky's concept, in order to draw on each woman’s personal resources and those of her entourage and to boost her health.
The focus of our antenatal classes lies in body therapy (gentle movements, relaxation exercises, exercises that prepare for birth). Positive feedback from participants confirms how important this is.
The birth exercises reassure the women, giving them the confidence to face the journey of childbirth together with their child. In their everyday lives, which are often stressful, the pregnant women learn relaxation exercises that they can also use outside of the classroom. Not only does this let them access their bodies as a resource for coping with stress, it can also help with their mental equilibrium. Exchanging thoughts and feelings with other pregnant women in a familiar setting gives a boost to mental health and reduces feelings of social isolation. This is important, as many migrant women are here in a foreign country with none of their female family members – and female family members are the primary contact for most pregnant women.
Our classes are recognized and partly funded by health insurers. A fund exists for women with no insurance nor the necessary financial resources to pay for the classes.
Courses in ten languages are currently offered in the city of Winterthur. Women in these language groups from the Winterthur region can take part. mamamundo is a non-profit organisation and is supported and co-financed by Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung Kanton Zürich and various foundations.